Sunday, November 11, 2012

I'd be the worst freebie blogger ever if I didn't write about this week, because I scored.

After the last blog, it's probably important to note that I am still in school. Turns out, I'll be at BYU until 2015. Then law school until 2018. Unless I put my newly learned entrepreneur skills to work and start a non-profit focused on people give me free stuff. That's my only way out.

Actually, this week, I was rewarded with free J-Dawgs for my hard work and good grade in Accounting 200. I got an email* for an "invitation-only" accounting-as-a-major seminar. Unfortunately, the event started at 5:30, and I have class on Thursdays until 6:15. Fortunately, they gave out J-dawgs at 6:15. So, if A=B, and B=C, you can figure out that I missed the whole seminar, but made it in time for the important part. And you can also infer that I am seriously considering changing my major to accounting despite missing the part where they told us all the reasons we should. Actions speak louder than words. The chemistry department hasn't given me anything. Freeloader? Yes. Gutless Flip-Flopper? If the price--or lack thereof--is right.

On Tuesday I had free pizza for lunch because I went to an event I heard about in an email.* Before that I got free mint cocoa and a brownie just for walking the smart route to dance class. I also went to a Pre-Law Club meeting that night where they had free pizza while we watched the election results.

If you are a little confused, I am officially a chem major, but I am planning on a business management major instead. And I actually do want to go to law school.

The sad news of the week is that I could have had free J-Dawgs a different time, except it was right in the middle of class. It was the Student Innovator of the Year event, but I had to miss my chance for the hot dogs and a free iPad. Too bad, because I was feeling lucky.

*See previous blog, "Entrepreneur?... Why Yes, Of Course"

Entrepreneur? ...Why Yes, Of Course!

I found this one today, I realized I never finished it. This happened in October.
Here's an important strategy for getting free stuff. Sign up for emails from different groups around campus. Sure, you'll get annoyed now and again by the flood you call your inbox, but it pays off. And if any one group is getting really annoying, you can easily remove yourself from the mailing list. 
Anyway, this week I got an email from one of the organizations targeting business majors. They said they were having a special seminar spotlighting some successful BYU alumni... sort of--they all dropped out once their ideas starting taking off... 
Business actually really interests me, but I might not have gone to the event because I had a busy day. What tipped the scale was the note at the end of the email. "Free pizza!" And a little below that, "First 100 students get a free t-shirt." Boom. Done. I went. I conquered. I left early and still convinced them to give me pizza. And now I'm dropping out of school. But I have a free t-shirt for every day of the week so I'll be fine.