Wednesday, September 12, 2012


I love free stuff. I also love BYU.

The first thing you should know is that if you are looking, you can get something free basically every single day at campus. I just started my second semester, but I feel like I have already exploited the secrets of happiness at BYU.

My favorite freebies are free t-shirts. Last week, I was walking to the Wilkinson Student Center (Wilk), when I spotted sure opportunity. A dunk tank was set up by the women's soccer team. You had to kick a soccer ball and hit the trigger that would send one of the team members plunging into the cold water. If you got 2/2, your name was put in a drawing for an iPad, 1/2 was a free I (Heart) BYU t-shirt. I got 1/2. But I fooled the system. I actually missed the red button, but I kicked the ball hard enough into the lever that the seat still dropped. For a moment, there was a hesitation from the sponsors, because, technically, I missed. But I didn't wait around for someone to contend my getting a free shirt. Think hit-and-run.

A few days ago I got a free J-Dawgs hot dog. If you don't know what that means, come to Provo. Everybody around campus loves J-Dawgs. I just did something about my love. It's not like it was really a sacrifice, I just paid attention. There are always little flyers around information desks. This flyer was for a back-to-school party. It said the first 500 students would get free J-Dawgs. I had to punch a couple kids in the face, but I managed first 500.

Sometimes the little freebies are exactly what you need. Just walk into the Wilk around lunchtime and you are bound to end up with a Laffy Taffy or Tootsie Roll.

I doubt you're wondering why I am taking the time for this blog because it should be obvious. But if you think this is a waste of time, well, my only guess is you have something against doughnuts. That's what I said. Doughtnuts. Free. I had one last week. You just have to keep your eyes open. They were glazed. Not my eyes--the doughnuts!

If that hasn't answered your questions, think gigantic snickerdoodles. I mean face-sized. I have had my share of cookies at BYU, from chocolate chip to royal blue sugar cookies. Same with free BYU Creamery ice cream, free haircuts, Jamba Juice. I even got a free scarf last semester. Who doesn't love a handsome scarf?


  1. Free Jamba? Free J-Dawgs? I should go back to school! We enjoyed reading your blog tonight, quite fun!
